Julian Xavier Gil

Thursday, April 26, 2007

AHGGGGGGGGG The last time I posted was Aug 16 06.. Sorry buddy.... Hum let's see will I do better this time ???

So Julian is over a year old now and doing great !

He welcomes us home with a big smile and a HI !

He helps mom and dad out alot too. Brushes his own teeth, washes his hands, helps me to bathe him, and climbs in the car and sits in the car seat on his own (great because he is real heavy) Helps me unload the dishwasher and alot of other stuff. (Thanks Montessori !)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Where has the time gone ???
Julian is now 8 1/2 months old and... oh yeah has 2 teeth on the bottom !
He gets around great on the walker and loves to say pa pa pa pa, and is obsessed with playing Daddys drum !!!! He slams on it then taps it softly...Hey future bellydancers of Arizona get ready !!!!
What joy he brings us... more than we can ever have imagined !!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

First things first... There is no tooth... I think it was a piece of rice cereal.

Julian is now 6 months old and enjoying the summer fun in his pool. He wears these little glasses and a hat and does not bother to take them off.

He is growing fast! He weighed in at the docs office yesterday at 19 1/2 lbs !

Yesterday he rolled over. I missed it because I was at work which is why I want to find a job that I can work from home. The idea that I am missing out on the little things in his life is making me crazy.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Is that a TOOF ?

Julian and I where playing a fun game of tickle tickle, The one where I blow raspberries on his belly and he opens his mouth wide and cracks up... and there low and behold all alone on the top gum there is a white dot. !! David come here look quick !! is that a .... toof ? well it looks like it... Maybe that explains why he cried most of the day Saturday. I have read that usually the bottom teeth come in first but it looks like Julian wanted his first tooth on Easter to be like the bunny rabbits !

Well his first Easter came with a tooth I wonder what the Fourth of July will bring ?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Who have we become ?

Anyone that knows David and I, know that we are ....shalll we say.....Lazy.
Ohhh so many years of laying around and doing nothing. All of a sudden we spend our days in a frenzy of chores that need to get done.

I was up at 4:00am this morning washing bottles, spoons , plates, nipples etc. David was cleaning floors at midnight last night, while I ironed little outfits and bibs and blankets.

We dreaded having to get our lazy butts up to do anything around the house in the past... now we do them all and without hesitating. we do them all and don't complain... and I wondered why ? How is it that this little guy has changed us so completely ?

David commented to me the other day..."how did we ever live without him ?"

The days of picking up and going, seeing every movie on opening night, going away on a whim, drinking, ( we still have liquor but now in moderation... wow ! ), being self centered and spoiled.
ahhhh we enjoyed those days but they are long gone. We live for the Peanut now.

Yes he has us wrapped around his finger. He is so sweet. Always smiling. He rarely cries (thankfully) only gets whiny when he is hungry or sleepy. He is also very portable. Can go anywhere and loves to see people. He lays with us on the couch and watches TV with us. On some lazy Sundays, we rent movies and get into the recliner and spend hours there napping, nursing, chatting, napping, laughing and napping.

Ahhh yes life is grand.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

4 Months Old !!!

Such a long wait for this precious angel to come into our lives. I hope one day he will enjoy reading about all his adventures in babyhood. I also would love to get words of wisdom and advise from friends and family to help us along this great road we are traveling on.

Yesterday was his 4 month well baby check up and he got his 4 vaccines. David and I suffered it along with him, but he was good and calmed down right away. Moments later was flashing his big smile at everyone. He weighs 16lbs, 14 ounces
almost 17 lbs ! He is getting sooo heavy !

We start on solids officially today so any advice will be greatly appreciated! (Post your comments). The kid loves food what can I say... He opened wide and chomped down on his sweet potato like an expert.

We are heading to New Jersey ! We will arrive on May 3rd. Oh you have no idea how excited I am for the family to see him.